Accommodation is one of the major expenses for travelers. Even for budget travelers, staying in rented places or hostels can be a significant expense. As such, some travelers want to know how they can get free accommodation when traveling the world. Here are some tips from my pal that owns a business out in Texas and is also a extreme traveler where he explains his best ways to get free accommodation whenever you travel.
There are places where you can get free accommodation whenever you travel by volunteering to work. For instance, you can get free accommodation if you volunteer to manage a hostel at a place like Hawaii. You can also be accommodated for free if you volunteer to milk goats, cook, or clean retreat centers. In Australia, you can get free accommodation if you volunteer to do cleaning and landscaping work. Nevertheless, you need to conduct some research of your travel destination to know the kind of jobs that you can volunteer to do to get free accommodation.
Some people want somebody to take care of their houses while away. If you find such people when traveling to their local area, offer to house-sit for them. This will give you a chance to enjoy the comfort of their home while you immerse in the local culture. However, be ready to do tasks like taking care of the pets and the garden. Nevertheless, you will have the freedom to explore the area. What’s more, you can do home exchanges. This entails swapping houses with people that want to travel to your local area with a home where you want to travel to.
Providing a hand to the onboard crew of a boat can get you free accommodation in it. The nautical community is generally tight. However, you can live in a boat, travel and earn some cash too.
These are some of the best ways to get free accommodation when traveling. Take time to learn about them then conduct research on one that suits you to enjoy the experience.